The remedy 7 solution pack has quickly become one of my favorite pieces of equipment. Over the course of my last hunting season I have become intimately familiar with this pack and truly believe it is one piece of gear that will outlast me in rough unforgiving country. This year I was fortunate enough to pack out 4 bears, 2 elk, and 3 mule deer. I train all year to be able to hunt hard and carry heavy loads and in the past have been left frustrated when my limiting factor is gear. This year I have been able to say that I am using a pack that can truly outperform me in rough country.
The grip frame on the solution pack is by far my favorite feature because it allows me so much versatility. We all aim to be successful in harvesting the game we pursue and carrying a pack that isn’t up to the task when we are met with our goal makes no sense to me. When I set out to pack in my camp, my solution is up to the task. When I leave my tent in the morning for a long day of hunting, the solution is up to the task. When I am met with success and have an animal to pack out, I have the pack for the job. I find great comfort and security in having so much confidence in my gear. While packing out my deer on the grip frame with all of the boned out meat, my solution bag attached, with all my gear in it and the rack and cape attached to that I realized that all frames aren’t created equal. I have packed with both internal and rigid aluminum/steel frames and this frame is like nothing before it. It has every bit of the strength of a rigid metal exterior frame but moves with you like an internal frame pack. This allowed me to comfortably carry more weight than ever before. More impressive to me after hours of packing it was still comfortable to carry. The shoulder straps didn’t feel like they were cutting through me and the weight still felt like it was distributed comfortably across my back and torso. There are many more features to this pack but these are what makes this pack one of my most trusted favorite pieces of gear.
Dioni Amuchastegui