Remedy 7 Pack Line Coming Soon

Over the last few months we have received several phone calls and have had many people ask us about what was in store for us regarding our pack line. So here is the skinny.

We have introduced several new products this year under both the Mathews and Remedy 7 brands. After making the decision to bring our manufacturing back to the US early last year, we have found that there is just not enough time in the day anymore. Designing quality product does not happen overnight so to save everyone a lot of heart ache and pain later on we decided to hold off on the new pack designs until the time was right. Now that time has come and we have started the design phase of the very first Remedy 7 pack. The Prototype Suspension is complete and it has now had an official test run on the mountain by Pro Staffer Tyler Crocket. Our goal is simple and straight forward. We will give our chosen staff members who come from all different corners of the west a chance to take this puppy for a test spin. Their impute will be key to the final design making this pack a proven success before it ever hits the market. We figure there is no better way to produce the best pack than to have several minds joined together when helping design it. Each staff member will post their unbiased review of the pack after using it in the field. Any changes that need to be made to the product from their perspective will be made and then tested again.

Stay tuned next week for Tyler Crockets first Remedy 7 pack review.

1 Comment

  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

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