For a busy 2013 season of guiding, hunting, and packing I chose to use the Remedy 7 Solution pack by Blacks Creek Guide Gear. The pack was able to fit my guiding needs from day hunts in the desert for Coues’ Deer all the way up to backpack, week-long trips for Alaska Dall Sheep. Here are the 4 highlights of the pack in my view;
Fit: The feel of the Grip Frame on my back and waist feels more comfortable than any pack I have previously used. With the adjustable support and strap designs, the Solution always tucked in tight to my back, allowing for stable support under heavy loads.
Straps: At first glance you will notice the Solution has more straps than you may have ever seen on a backpack before. After using the pack and placing your gear in the desired pouches, the straps tighten down to make everything feel secure and solid. After the kill when the work begins, there are plenty of straps to secure your load, extra gear, meat, hide, and antlers so that extra rope is not needed.
Bag: The Solution bag is made out of a thick material that can handle sliding down shale rock chutes and being drug through thick alder brush. The full length side storage pockets allow me to store my 80mm spotting scope securely on one side and my tripod on the other. On overnight trips my sleeping bag gets tucked into the bottom pocket which is designed to compress a sleeping bag and keep it protected. However, on day trips, my wet rain gear is stored in the lower pocket, making it separate from the dry gear and readily accessible when that thunderstorm comes rolling in.
Frame Expansion: August 10th, opening day of the Dall Sheep season, I found myself 8 miles from spike camp with a happy client and a dead Dall ram. Other guides asked me before the trip, how will you carry meat out with just a 4800 cu in pack? Well the secret is in the frame. The Solution bag is simply unzipped, exposing the frames internal strap system. I lowered the entire load of sheep meat into my game bag, and tucked it against the frame, between the bag and the Grip frame. The straps are plenty long, allowing me to secure 75+ pounds of meat tight in between the bag. Cinch the bag up to the meat and you are ready to go! In 8 miles of up and down with the full load, the meat never shifted or sagged.
This Solution backpack and the Grip frame will haul all that you can throw at it with plenty of straps and support to make it comfortable. The backpacks made by Blacks Creek Guide Gear leave no personal modifications to be made and are ready for the most grueling hunts you can take them on. It is the Solution for all the backpack complaints and troubles you have ever had.
Austin A Atkinson
Professional Guide
Thx again for the pack, I’m definitely going to be using your products from here on out .I was amazed on how comfortable the solution felt with the ram’s head and cape in it plus all my additional equipment. I packed my ram out of the wilderness 2.5 miles and the solution made it a very easy hike. I have put the pack thru 5 months of scouting and thru two different hunts now and the pack has held up to everything. Excellent pack and would highly recommend to anybody that is serious about hunting.
Dave Acosta
ArizonaDesert Ram
How often do we find ourselves searching through the Magazines or forums reading articles and listening to others opinions on products that are new and improved? We all have our likes and dislikes on items. We depend on our fellow brothers and sisters in the outdoors to give us their feedback on products so we can make a choice on what item will be best suited for your type of ventures.
My name is Dusty Bourasa and I have been a Pro-Staffer for Blacks Creek for quite some time. I have had the opportunity to be involved in a lot of the products that have been born from this great company. We as staffers put in our ideas to make the best products that we can and keep the products that we make on the cutting edge. We are an American made product and proud of it.
This year I was asked to try out one of the new packs that came out for the 2013 product line up. This new pack is called the “Cure”. This sweet little gem is a fanny style pack that offers 1200 cubic inches of storage in the main compartment and 9 smaller storage components that can be used for storing any kind of knick knacks that you choose. This product also features to side pockets that can be used for water containers or just whatever you decide to put in them. The “Cure” features a R7-2 waist belt with a full lower lumbar support and a shoulder harness. Now this sounds like most fanny style packs on the market right? Wrong! We at Blacks Creek have gone one step farther. We have added a meat shelf to this fanny pack. Yes, you have read this correctly, a meat shelf.
I am one that would prefer to use a day/fanny style pack above all others. They are simple, small, and when it is hot out, you do not have as much surface area covering your torso. I sweat like a canary at a cat convention so that is why I choose this style of pack. But like a lot of you out there in the hunting world, you have to take another pack with you just in case you harvest an animal. How many times have we wished that we had our frame with us in the field to save one trip off of the mountain? I know that I have thought of ways to carry out a load on my older style fanny packs. I used the bow/rifle pocket to support the leg bones of a quarter and then the strap on top to secure the heavy end. Just to save that one extra trip. Talk about rough on a guy.
No more do I have to worry about this problem. I used this pack to its fullest capability that it was designed for and even more. I did my normal early season archery for mule deer and shanked a dandy 185 4×4 muley in full velvet and also was blessed to kill a small bull elk. The pack fit like a great pair of Armani shoes and its features were stellar. But the best test was when I packed my bull out. It took me five trips to get my bull out of the abyss that I had killed him in. Sure, I could have made my loads heavier but why burn your body up. I also could have made the 3 mile hike back to the rig and get my “Solution” with a grip frame but I chose to use this pack and really put it to the test. I removed the main compartment by simply unzipping the zippers on either side of the pack and detached two buckles. This will expose the interior meat shelf that we have designed in the pack. Simply undo the four small buckles and lay the load supports to each side. This fabric is made of 1000D Cordura and is stitched into the frame itself. The lower meat shelf made of the same material will lie facing you. Simply put your load of choice on the frame. Then take the two side wings and buckle them together and tighten them with your load adjustment straps. Then take the lower wing of the pack and simply attach the buckles at the top and use your load straps to tighten. Every load that I packed that day felt good on my back. No hip fatigue or sourness to my shoulders. Even on the last load of loose meat and the head, it wore like a glove.
I did tell you that I put it to the test on the elk hunt but I even went one step farther. I was fortunate enough to do a Rocky Mountain Goat hunt with a couple of buddies. We hiked into the mountains about 12 miles round trip every day. On the second day of our hunt towards the afternoon we found 2 very large Billies bedded in an alpine basin. After a short stalk and final judgment, we had a 52 and 1/8 inch Billy on the ground. One of my buddies used my “Solution” and I used my “Cure”. He packed a front and hind quarter and my friend Ed packed the other. I packed the loose meat and the full head and hide of this majestic beast. I did not take a weight of this pack but I am going to say that it was in the 70 pound range. Now this pack is not designed for heavy loads, but if it was going to fail (broken buckles or other connectors) it would have done it on this trip. I have news for you folks, it handled that trip flawlessly.
So now that Christmas is just around the corner and you are looking for that perfect gift, come check out the New “Cure” from Blacks Creek.
Whether you hunt from a tree or the ground, this pack will meet every requirement that you will need in the field.
Thank you for taking the time to read this review. I have used this pack and guarantee you will love it
American Made and American Strong!
Dusty Bourasa, Oregon
The 2013 big game hunting season is all but in the bag, with all its ups and downs! One of the highlights of the 2013 hunting season for me wasn’t necessarily the tags placed on big game, which was great, but rather the new pack that I had the pleasure of using this season! I was fortunate enough to pick up the Remedy 7 (R7) Alternative pack to start my year off right! I have used several packs over the years and have liked most of them; however, the one thing I would complain about all of them was the fact that I had to take two packs with me on every hunting trip. One for packing around my gear and one for hauling out meat, if I was on foot, I hated that because that generally meant hiking back down off the mountain to grab the frame pack after putting an animal on the ground. Well, the R7 Alternative was a game changer this year! Equipped with the Grip Frame, the Alternative is the all-in-one solution to my plight of taking two packs with me on hunting trips!
When I first saw the Grip Frame I was impressed, to say the least! At first glance I didn’t even notice the ingenious feature, but once I was shown how it worked I was stoked to get out there and use it! With 3,000 cubic inches of space to put all my gear, I loaded it up and I was ready to go! To add to the great features like the Grip Frame, I immediately noticed how comfortable the Alternative was when loaded down with my gear. The six compression straps made it easy to fit the pack snug to my back and adjust to my comfort level. I tend to carry a lot of weight in my pack because I like to go prepared. So when I went on my first hunting trip of the season at the end of August I was loaded down with camping and hunting gear. No matter what pack you have weight is weight and it will wear on the legs, but with the Alternative I noticed a significant difference in comfort compared to previous packs I had. After putting on roughly 13 miles our first trip in I was completely sold on the R7 line of packs!
Later in the season I was able to put the Grip Frame to use on a buddy’s bull by helping him pack out his cape and some meat. The Grip Frame worked like a charm! I love the way the main compartment zips off the Grip Frame and how easily it clips back on once the frame is loaded. In the future if I decide I need more cubic inches for more gear I can easily upgrade to the Solution pack by just buying the main compartment and zip it right to the Grip Frame!
The Grip Frame, compression straps, pockets, comfort, and high quality material are just some of the selling points of this pack. Versatility is what it’s all about and with the R7 line that’s what you get! I recommend every hunter out there try one of Blacks Creek Remedy 7 packs. You won’t be disappointed! To top it all off, all the Blacks Creek packs are made right here in the USA!
Travis Long
Antler Addicts Anonymous
Idaho Deer Alliance
Get the full story from Eastman’s Hunting Joural EHJ138_64-71
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Blacks Creek Remedy 7 Solution Pack Review
Editor: Mike
Basic Description of Item:
Hunting Back Pack. 1-4 day pack, good for sustained weights up to 65 LBS
Just the Facts:
– 4,800 Cubic Inches
– 9 lbs
– 1,000D Cordura
– Military grade hardware
– YKK zippers
– 14 pockets
– External optics pocket
– Sleeping bag compartment
– Detachable lid
– Detachable day pack
– Main compartment access in front and top
– 6 compression straps
– Draw string weather collar top
I have used Blacks Creeks Packs for many years, the Alaskan, the Canadian, and several others. I was excited to see them come out with a more tradition pack, built on top of a Separate Frame / Suspension system.
I obtained the pack at the International Hunting Expo about 3 weeks ago, and have spent virtually every day using this pack in some way.
My initial hikes with the pack were focused on functionality: Checking out the Optics Pockets, looking at how the Sleeping bag goes in, working on how to expand, or lock down loads, etc.
On my most recent trips I became more focused on load hauling, weight management, and comfort.
Blacks Creek Remedy 7 Solution Functionality:
The Solution is loaded, and I mean LOADED with features. Let me mention a few:
-Bottom compartment with lined sleeping bag stuff sack.
Yes that is correct, the bottom section has a built in stuff and compression sack for your sleeping bag. This is a cool feature, and will allow you to not take your own compression bag. Keep in mind that this is fixed in place. This is a cool option, and worked well for my -20 down bag.
-Exterior detachable small day pack.
This is very small, but would be great for a short, very little weight, side trip.
-Side, external optics pouches.
I have a Swarovski 65 spotting scope, angled, that fit well on one side, and my tripod on the other. Compression straps help to keep these tight against the pack.
-Top and front access to main compartment
You can stuff this packs main compartment, or come in through the front zipper, nice feature and should be widely used.
-LOTS of compression straps, and places to strap on exterior loads
I really liked this, you can easily SECURE, and tighten a load down to your body.
-Many more features, too many to mention.
This can be overwhelming. Several times I have lost things in this pack?
Load Hauling, Weight Management, and Comfort:
I mentioned earlier that the last few trips I have purely focused on HAULING. The guys on facebook, somehow convinced me to take a nasty hike with 80 lbs. WOW, that was hard! ?
Here are my findings and thoughts:
-The pack is capable of hauling enough gear for a 5 day pack in trip.
This is what you would expect out of a 4800 cubic inch pack. You will probably need to strap a few things on the outside. But there is room enough to get this done.
-It handles weight fairly well.
The Solution Back Pack is a decent hauler. I felt comfortable with weights up to 60 lbs, when pushing above that mark, I felt a need to constantly adjust the pack, and change the pressure points.
-It is comfortable.
I found the pack to be in the upper level of comfort related to other packs. Some packs that may be slightly more comfortable with large loads: Kifaru, KUIU.
The pack comes with just decent shoulder pads, better pads, that make a HUGE difference, can be purchased, I highly recommend the better shoulder pads.
I also noticed that the pack was a little lacking in lumbar support. I would suggest to Blacks Creek a larger pad for the lumbar section of the pack.
This is a good pack, and certainly a pack that should be considered for a 1-5 day trip. This pack has more features and options than I could possibly list. It is a good choice for the guy that wants a certain spot for each item. It is loaded with pockets, straps, and features.
The Blacks Creek Remedy 7 solution at times can be a little confusing. The compression system is unique, and the pack has a pockets and straps all over the place. Some guys will LOVE this, others will be confused by it.
We think this pack would serve most people well, and certainly should be considered.
What they could do better:
-Larger Lumbar support. We really noticed this with loads over 50 lbs.
-Ship it standard with the better shoulder straps
-This pack is not cheap, see if you can reduce the price by 50-100 bucks.
Wow! What an awesome year of Archery hunting for this Oregon boy. I have been truly blessed having the opportunity to harvest a great mule deer buck with my kids by my side, an Antelope that grossed B&C and two nice bull elk.
When we all prepare for our hunting seasons which in some ways is year around, we have to depend on our equipment and put those items through rough and rigger tests to make sure that they preform to our expectations. Early this spring, I had the chance to test out the new R7 suspension system that was being designed by the folks at Blacks Creek. It was exciting to be a part of the design phase of the suspension system and put in my two cents on likes and dislikes.
Marcus Flesher wrote a good blog on the website awhile back. He made a comment that hit home and really puts things into perspective for me. He had said in his blog post that he didn’t think there would ever be a pack that he would consider the perfect pack. I have to agree with his statement. Is there a perfect pack? That is going to depend on who you ask. Everyone will have their own thoughts and opinions on what they want. Usually that has to do with the frame work of the person that is going to be using it. I was able to put the new R7 “Solution” with the “Grip” frame to use this year and I would like to share with you my overall thoughts.
The Solution is 4800 cubic inches and has one main cell compartment with a top access and also a center access through the front. It has side pockets for a spotting scope and tripod. The Solution also offers a lid with storage and another cell that can be detached or attached to the outside of the pack. The Solution has many options for organizing your equipment and is a day pack or a back country pack in one. All the buckles on this pack are military grade buckles. This allows you to compress the pack to secure your load without fear of breaking them.
Did I get to pack large loads of meat this year with it? No! I was fortunate enough to harvest my animal near an easy access point and was able to load the animal into a pickup which is usually not my luck. Although I am confident that it would have exceeded my expectations if I had needed it to haul my critters off the mountain. I put 85 pounds on the suspension while testing this product this spring and I know that it would have done just fine.
I work for an outfitter in the state of Oregon and I spend about forty of my hunting season days working for him. I used the Solution while guiding hunters this year. As a guide, you have to make sure you take extra food and fluids for your hunters. The Solution offers a pocket for a water bladder (on the inside of the main cell). I have a 100 ounce bladder that I use but I also pack about 2 gallons of water and other liquids for my hunter and food for a day of hard hunting. You may not think that’s much weight, but it will surprise you if you add that up. I weighed my pack one morning and with all of the items that I needed for a day of hunting it weighed in at 49 pounds. It fit my body so well that I never would have guessed that I was packing that amount of weight. It makes you think about how packs should fit your style of hunting and even more, your body.
The suspension on the Grip Frame adjusts to your body as easy as pie. If you are using the pack with a minimal amount of weight, then you adjust it to ride on your waist line by moving the lumbar support in the center of the pack. If you add more weight to your pack, I have found that you can adjust your lumbar support to a smaller setting which will allow you to keep the weight off of your hips and prevent hip fatigue.
I still sit back and think about what Marcus put on his blog about R7 packs. As I said above, I do agree with his comment. For now, I would have to really look hard to find a pack that tops my R7 Solution.
Dusty Bourasa
]]>As the first day of fall rapidly approaches, our efforts to complete our new USA made pack line is still in full swing. Pro-Staffer Tyler Crockett recently had a chance to take the latest Prototype pack out for a four day spin on the mountain. We will leave the details of his findings up to him to describe in a later blog, however we thought you might appreciate a sneak peak at our latest creation.
Over the last few years, the demand for lighter weight packs has become much more prevalent. We have done our best to provide a very light weight option with our latest design. We are calling this pack the “Antidote”. The Prototype weighs in at a mere 4 lbs 12 oz and has a 3000 total cubic inch storage capacity. Unlike some other pack manufacturers we did not cut corners on quality or space to lighten the “Antidote”. Its 1,000 Denier Cordura construction is standard among the R7 line of packs that we offer. We use it because it’s just DANG TOUGH and there just isn’t any other fabric that compares. While the “Antidote” may not be rated to carry as much weight as the “Grip” frame, it can still carry a sufficient payload comfortably. Its been designed to stay LEAN and MEAN for comfortable day hunts or multiple day adventures on the mountain were the average hunter will be hauling anywhere from 25 to 50 lbs of gear.
Just like all the R7 packs in the Blacks Creek line, the “Antidote” features the Butterfly adjustable harness so it will fit a large variety of body types. It has 11 total pockets, one of which is an optics pocket located on the back of the pack. This pocket is large enough to carry most of the larger spotters available today. The main body of the pack is roughly 2,000 cubic inches and we obtain 3,000 by adding the space within the optics pocket, lid and upward expansion of the top of the pack. The “Antidote” hunts like a 2,500 cubic inch pack and is easy to compress when the total storage space is not in use. There are 3 entry points to the main compartment, one from the top under the lid and one on either side of the pack. It features plenty of compression straps for stabilization and can haul a bow or a gun.
This was just a sneak peak at the up and coming light weight “Antidote”. Release of this new pack is slated for late winter 2012. Stay tuned for Tyler Crockett’s performance review.
Written by
Marcus Flesher
Today marks the day we will let the world know what we have been up to in the sew shop. Needless to say we have been hard at work cutting and sewing and tearing countless prototypes apart. All this to make what we believe to be the most durable, comfortable, technically sound and versatile pack on the market.
We introduce to you the R7 2000 CI “ANSWER” Made in the USA
Feel Free to Call us to place Pre-Orders 800-742-1405
Pack Details:
– 2000 Cubic Inches
– Weight ……………………………..2.25 lbs
– Pockets ……………………………10
– 1000 Denier Cordura and/or 3 Layer Tricot Fabric Construction
– YKK Zippers
– Military Grade Hardware and Nylon Webbing
– Detachable Gun or Bow Boot
– Side Expandable Pockets
– Internal Expandable Spotting Scope Pocket
– Compression Strap ……………8
– 3 Ltr H2O Bladder Compatible
– All Heavy Stress areas are reinforced and double stitched.
– Rain Fly Compartment
– No Noise Zipper Pulls
Add on Components sold Separately
– Rain Fly
– Waist Belt Pockets
– H2O Bladder
– Braided Zipper Tabs
Suspension Details:
– Internal R7 Frame
– Cubic Inches …………………….Dang Near Infinity Space Available
– Weight ……………………………..4.75 lbs
– 1000 Denier Cordura Fabric Construction
– Military Grade Hardware and Nylon Webbing
– R7 Butterfly Yoke
– Vertically Adjustable Harness
– Drop Down Load Shelf
– Load compression Wings
– 5 Compression Straps
– Padded Shoulder Straps
– Padded Waist Belt
– Breathable Back
– Load Lifting Straps
– Sternum Steap
– Articulating Shoulder Straps
The 2000 CI “Answer” is designed to fit just about any torso size with its Vertically Adjustable Harness. There is a solid connection between the bag and the suspension allowing a secure fit. Our R7 Butterfly Yoke makes wearing this pack easy for long periods of time and the “Answer” doesn’t have your ordinary internal frame. This pack was built to work hard and thats just what it will do. Its been field tested with 100 lbs and it outperformed our expectations. Because of its unique design the suspension can be used without the pack attached. With 2000 Cubic inches of storage space within the bag itself you’ll have plenty of room for your gear and when the work begins you’ll have the suspension that can haul the load. The “Answer” is light weight and compact so it’s comfortable to wear all day. We recommend this pack for any serious hunter looking for a day pack that can do just about anything.
Pricing on the “Answer” has not been determined yet and we are shooting to have the product available for purchase by July 1st or sooner. The pictures shown are of the Proto-Type. Some changes will be made to the final product, such as Buckle and Webbing colors. However, the functional design will stay the same as you see it here. At this time we plan to offer it in several different color configurations.
We are currently working on other pack models that can attach to this same suspension. This allows you to purchase other bags later on if you have a need for something different.
This is the “Answer”
I have had the opportunity to try out the new Remedy 7 suspension and would like to share with you the good features and the features that need improvement. Please understand, this is my opinion and some suspension systems will fit different for others.
First thing that I noticed on the new system was the extra padding at the waist band. This system has much more padding in the lower lumbar area than Blacks Creek’s previous designs. It has padding on each side of the lumbar pad to cushion the points of your hips. Along with a very nice padded lumbar area, just above is another pad that is positioned above the lumbar pad. I liked this feature but I would like to have it with a little more padding or a denser cushion material. I didn’t notice it when I had a normal 20 to 30 pounds of weight on the system. However, when I put on more weight I felt some pressure from the load to the small of my back if you will. Not to the point of discomfort but you did know that the load was there and there was a small amount of pressure in that area.
Moving on to the rest of the waist band- I didn’t think that there would be enough padding to prevent fatigue on your hip area due to the sleek look of the waist band. Trust me, do not judge a book by its cover. I had no pressure points to my hips with a normal weight load. Very comfortable.
Last but not least was the ease of adjustment on the waist band. I have a 34 inch waist, and it fit like a glove. The ease of adjustment from a normal 20 to 30 pound load to the max load that I applied was as simple as grabbing the adjustment straps, one in each hand and pulling to the front of my body and then to loosen the tension was as easy as a one finger touch.
Second, I would like to talk about the padding that is positioned at the top of the system. This padding has been designed to fit your scapulas or shoulder blades. This is an awesome feature folks. I didn’t think it would make much of a difference but it made all the difference in the world, especially with a heavy load. No fatigue in my upper back and it also had good air flow.
One feature that stands out on this system is the torso adjustment. As I did my tests with an average load, I was able to adjust the pack to fit perfectly. I did approximately 3 ½ to 4 miles on flat ground and then did some up and down hill hiking and also side hill. The pack fit great and I had zero fatigue on my hips and shoulders. I also had good air flow with some minor perspiration on my back.
I applied 85 pounds to the pack and did the same routine as I had mentioned above. At about ¼ mile into my test, I started to notice fatigue on my hips. I took the pack off and moved the torso adjustment to a lower setting and put the pack back on. With this small and quick fix, I did 3 miles with 85 pounds of weight with ZERO hip fatigue and ZERO shoulder fatigue. I did the same course as I did on the light load. I was very impressed.
The shoulders straps of this system have a considerable amount of padding, which is very nice and comfortable with average loads. But when I applied my heavy load, I did get some binding above my pectoral muscles just below my color bone on both sides. When side hilling either way, the binding that I noticed did not seem to shift therefore telling me that the pack stayed in the proper area on my torso. My conclusion to the issue was the chest strap and how it was located and connected to the adjustment strap on the shoulder harness. I disconnected the chest strap and relieved the above mentioned pressure. I like the chest strap and it is an important feature but needs some minor tweaking.
All in all, I think that this suspension is a well thought out design and I am honored to have the chance to test it out. With testing this product and putting it to work, I am confident that we are on the right track and on the way to designing the best all purpose outdoor pack on the market. I have made my suggestions for small changes to the system to the folks at Blacks Creek and they are currently making the corrections to the system. If you have any questions, you can email me a [email protected] or go to our website and drop us a line.
Dusty Bourasa