Travis Long
Travis Long
Meridian, ID
My passion for hunting started at a very early age starting with a sling shot at age six or seven and then a pellet gun soon after. As soon as I turned 12 I went on my first deer hunt with my dad. It was a miserable rainy hunt on horseback without success, but that did not deter me in any way from wanting to get out there every chance I got. That’s exactly what I did as I grew up; I would get out hunting whenever I could get away. During the fall there was rarely a day that went by that I didn’t have a shotgun, rifle or bow in my hand. In spring, I love to get out bear, turkey and shed hunting. After high school the passion and drive grew even more!
My passion is chasing big mule deer bucks; however, in the last six years I have found the world of elk hunting to be almost as exciting, especially when they are bugling! I love to be in the backcountry on foot or on horseback hunting deer and elk where few hunters want to go. There is just something about being in the backcountry that fuels my passion. I also love hunting with good friends and my family, but I’ll go out solo if that’s what it takes to fuel my passion.
I married a beautiful woman in 2003, Amanda, who shares my passion and understands that passion for hunting and the outdoors. We have three children who love the outdoors and hunting as well. I am looking forward to the day in the near future to take my kids out hunting with me.
When I’m not hunting I spend a lot of time volunteering my time to a local hunting and conservation organization, the Idaho Deer Alliance, where I am on the board of directors. I also help in publishing the Idaho Deer Hunter Magazine, through the Idaho Deer Alliance. I also volunteer my time at a local elementary as a mentor to students, with the Boy Scouts of America as the Outdoor Chairman in a local troop and with Meridian PAL as a flag football coach. I am passionate about the future of hunting and conservation in Idaho and our youth are the future! So take a kid out hunting and share the passion for hunting and conservation whenever possible and be a positive role model!